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Our Ministries

Our Church Movement of Glory consists of various ministries directed to grow the Gospel and this great vision that God has placed in our hearts.


We as the Church obey and complete "The Great Commission." We evangelize monthly to reach the lost.


Be part of our School of Leaders and Training for every member who wants to reach a new level in the Lord.

Visit the events section for the dates.

Movement Kids

We offer child care where our Children's Teacher will teach them the Word of God in fun ways.


Worship touches and moves the heart of God in your favor, we are a Church that Worships a LIVING God.


Be part of our discipleship directed by The Holy Spirit and the Word of God. We will teach you how to walk like Jesus walked on earth.

Movement Youth

We have a Youth Ministry Led by our Youth Pastors where we will have fun outings and fun sermons.

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